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Richmond Symphony League History 

1958   The Women's Committee of the Richmond Symphony was formally organized in 1958 with  Mrs. Rives Fleming Jr. as Chair.  The purpose was "to support, assist and further the aims of the Richmond Symphony." This was primarily accomplished through ticket sales.

1984   The Richmond Symphony Orchestra League hosted the first Designer House fund raiser event.

1993  The Women’s Committee voted to change its name to the Richmond Symphony Orchestra League, Inc. (RSOL), and opened membership to both men and women.

2000  Another supporting organization for the Richmond Symphony, Allegro, whose initial purpose was to promote audience development, joined forces with the RSOL.

2008  The Richmond Symphony Orchestra League celebrated 50 years of service to the Richmond Symphony.

2019 The Richmond Symphony Orchestra League began doing business as Richmond Symphony League.    

2018 RSL Designer House - Holly Lawn

Richmond Symphony at Carpenter Center


2016 RSL Designer
House - Pineapple Acre