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HomeLogging Into the Website

Richmond Symphony League Website Introduction


Welcome to the website for Richmond Symphony League!  The information below is designed to assist you in taking full advantage of the capabilities of our ClubExpress website.  The website address –



#1 – Logging into the Website


Every active or new member is issued an account ID and a temporary password. You would have received this information in a Welcome Email or when you request a password change. The Richmond Symphony League website link along with your account ID and temporary password are included in this Welcome or Password Email.  You will be able to click on the website address and be presented with the Richmond Symphony website. You will then be required to enter a new password before having access to member-only features. 

Logging In


Clicking the Member Login link displays the login screen:  Note - This Member Login link may be at the top right or at the bottom of the website home page, depending on which type of device you are using - (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc.). 

Enter your user name and password and click the Login button. If you check the Remember Me option, the system will store a cookie on your computer that allows you to login without having to enter your user name and password each time.  Click Cancel if you need to return to the home page.


Retrieving a Lost Username/Password 

If you forget your username and/or password, click the Forgot My Username/Password button, and a popup dialog will be displayed, prompting you to enter your email address and, optionally, your first name. When you click OK, the system will search for this information in the club’s membership database. If one matching record is found, the username and a new temporary password is generated and sent to your email address. You will need to retrieve this information before you can log in, and the system will then give you the chance to change it.

Website (ClubExpress) Technical Support Options

Login problems:  at the bottom of the login dialog box, you should see - "Trouble logging in? Click here for assistance”  Clicking will take you to
a help screen providing assistance for login issues.

Many ClubExpress module or transaction pages (such as joining, renewing or registering for an event online, etc.) include the following:
                   A box at the top of the screen explaining the purpose of that page
                   A question mark in a circle at the top right which, when clicked, will access context sensitive help information
                      for the particular screen you are on

General ClubExpress Telephone Technical Support - 1-866-457-2582